Environmental Statistics
Neptune has been addressing statistical issues for both simple and complex environmental problems for over 30 years. We use innovative data collection, data management, and statistical analysis approaches to maximize understanding of what data are telling us. We are a center of excellence in statistics and take pride in communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences and developing customized solutions based on a client's particular project goals. Following are examples of work we conduct in support of our environmental clients:
Developing sampling designs and analytical approaches based on project goals and data quality objectives (DQOs)
Statistical tests for comparison of site data to established background
Specifying measurement quality objectives linked to controlling total study error
Advanced risk assessment statistics
ARIMA time-series modeling that accounts for temporal correlation in data
Conducting statistical data analysis, including geostatistics for spatial data
Performing quantitative uncertainty analyses
Flexible geospatial modeling approaches, including: kriging, thin-plate splines, and Bayesian canonical correlation analysis