Statistics & Data SCience
data have a story to tell. we listen.
Neptune uses innovative data collection, management, and statistical analysis approaches to maximize understanding of what data are telling us. We are a center of excellence in statistics and decision science and take pride in communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences.
assessment of regulatory compliance
We have over 30 years of experience with all of the statistical aspects of CERCLA and RCRA guidance
We helped US EPA develop the latest version of the ProUCL software (v5.2), which provides additional functionality and increased transparency for upper confidence limit calculations
We have the experience to advise clients on the appropriate and defensible use of background threshold values (BTVs) and distributional tests for comparison of site data to background data
visualize and analyze complex data sets
Geospatial analyses and cutting-edge solutions that link advanced statistics to user-friendly open-source, web-based decision support tools
Mathematical and predictive modeling, data mining and development of neural networks, statistical and numerical computing, and Monte Carlo simulations using a variety of statistical packages
Application of frequentist and Bayesian hypothesis tests
Experimental design and power analyses to help with project planning
Optimize Data-Driven Decision Making
Our expert statisticians help clients achieve their objectives by working collaboratively to identify a range of possible analysis methods that best meet client needs
Statistical models can be embedded in a structured decision making framework to provide a strong linkage between analyses performed and client objectives
Advanced sensitivity analysis methods identify important system drivers and allow quantification of return on investment for additional data collection and analysis

Big Data Organization and Analysis
Statistical Litigation Support
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Environmental Statistics