Neptune professionals are committed to the advancement of their fields through the collaborative development of solutions for our clients and through their publications and presentations.
Selected Publications
Boyle, D., G. Occhiogrosso, S. McCandless, and D. Levitt, 2022. Estimating Rates of Percolation Through a New Hybrid Cover Design for the EnergySolutions Clive, UT Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility – 22387, proceedings of the Waste Management Symposia 2022, March 6–10, Phoenix AZ, 2022
McCandless, S., K. Catlett, P. Black, G. Occhiogrosso, K. Crowell, R. Perona, D. Boyle, A. Bandler, and P. Duffy, 2022. Update on the Depleted Uranium Performance Assessment for the EnergySolutions Clive, UT Disposal Facility – 22359, proceedings of the Waste Management Symposia 2022, March 6–10, Phoenix AZ, 2022
Birdsell, D.T., B.M. Adams, and M.O. Saar, 2021. Minimum Transmissivity and Optimal Well Spacing and Flow Rate for High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage, Applied Energy 289 (2021) 1–14 doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116658
Catlett, K., S. McCandless, D. Anderson, A. Bandler, P. Black, K. Crowell, P. Duffy, A. Fleury, G. Occhiogrosso, R. Perona, T. Stockton, and J. Tauxe, 2021. Updates to a Preliminary Probabilistic Performance Assessment Model for the West Valley Site, New York – 21282, proceedings of the Waste Management Symposia 2021, March 7–11, Phoenix AZ, 2021
Jordan, A., D. Boyle, L. Foster, L. Gains-Germain, D. Levitt, C. Peck, T. Stockton, G. Occhiogrosso, P. Black, and D. Katzman, 2021. Probabilistic Groundwater Modeling of the Chromium Plume at Los Alamos National Laboratory – 21165, proceedings of the Waste Management Symposia 2021, March 7–11, Phoenix AZ, 2021
Mindel, J.E., P. Alt-Epping, A.A. Les Landes, S. Beernink, D.T. Birdsell, M. Bloemendal, V. Hamm, S. Lopez, C. Maragna, C.M. Nielsen, S. Olivella, M. Perreaux, M.W. Saaltink, M.O. Saar, D. Van den Heuvel, R. Vidal, and T. Driesner, 2021. Benchmark Study of Simulators for Thermo-Hydraulic Modelling of Low Enthalpy Geothermal Processes, Geothermics 96 (2021) 1–30 doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102130
Vynne, C., E. Dovichin, N. Fresco, N. Dawson, A. Joshi, B. Law, K. Lertzman, T.S. Rupp, F. Schmiegelow, and E.J. Trammell, 2021. The Importance of Alaska for Climate Stabilization, Resilience, and Biodiversity Conservation, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4 (701277) 1–17 doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.701277
Foster, L.M., K.H. Williams, and R.M. Maxwell, 2020. Resolution Matters when Modeling Climate Change in Headwaters of the Colorado River, Environmental Research Letters 15 (2020) 1–8 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aba77f
Jordan, A., P. Reimus, D. Katzman, M. Ding, L. Gains-Germain, A. Springsteen, A. Rice, and J. Carson, 2020. Analysis of Hydrology and Interim Measure Performance in the Chromium Plume at Los Alamos National Laboratory – 20498, proceedings of the Waste Management Symposia 2020, March 8–12, Phoenix AZ, 2020
Ziel, R.H., P.A. Bieniek, U.S. Bhatt, H. Strader, T.S. Rupp, and A. York, 2020. A Comparison of Fire Weather Indices with MODIS Fire Days for the Natural Regions of Alaska, Forests 11 (5) 1–18 doi: 10.3390/f11050516
Barnett, D.T., P.A. Duffy, D.S. Schimel, R.E. Krauss, K.M. Irvine, F.W. Davis, J.E. Gross, E.I. Azuaje, A.S. Thorpe, D. Gudex-Cross, M. Patterson, J.M. McKay, J.T. McCorkel, and C.L. Meier, 2019. The Terrestrial Organism and Biogeochemistry Spatial Sampling Design for the National Ecological Observatory Network, Ecosphere 10 (2) 1–23 doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2540
Rangel Pinagé, E., M. Keller, P. Duffy, M. Longo, M.N. dos-Santos, and D.C. Morton, 2019. Long-Term Impacts of Selective Logging on Amazon Forest Dynamics from Multi-Temporal Airborne LiDAR, Remote Sensing 11 (6) 709 doi: 10.3390/rs11060709
Birdsell, D., H. Rajaram, and S. Karra, 2018. Code Development for Modeling Induced Seismicity with Flow and Mechanics Using a Discrete Fracture Network and Matrix Formulation with Evolving Hydraulic Diffusivity, proceedings of the 2nd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, Seattle WA, June 2018
Foster, L.M., and R.M. Maxwell, 2018. Sensitivity Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity and Manning's n Parameters Lead to New Method to Scale Effective Hydraulic Conductivity Across Model Resolutions, Hydrological Processes 33 (3) 332–349 doi: 10.1002/hyp.13327
Maples, S.R., E.M. Bruno, A.W. Kraus-Polk, S.N. Roberts, and L.M. Foster, 2018. Leveraging Hydrologic Accounting and Water Markets for Improved Water Management: The Case for a Central Clearinghouse, Water 10 (12) 1–9 doi: 10.3390/w10121720
McGuire, A.D., H. Genet, Z. Lyu, N.J. Pastick, S. Stackpoole, R. Birdsey, D.V. D’Amore, Y. He, T.S. Rupp, R.G. Striegl, B.K. Wylie, X. Zhou, Q. Zhuang, and Z. Zhu, 2018. Assessing Historical and Projected Carbon Balance of Alaska: A Synthesis of Results and Policy/Management Implications, Ecological Applications 28 (6) 1396–1412 doi: 10.1002/eap.1768
Walsh, J.E., U.S. Bhatt, J.S. Littell, M. Leonawicz, M.A. Lindgren, T.A. Kurkowski, P.A. Bieniek, R.L. Thoman, S.T. Gray, and T.S. Rupp, 2018. Downscaling of Climate Model Output for Alaskan Stakeholders, Environmental Modelling & Software 110 (2018) 38–51 doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.03.021
Jordan, A., S. Fitchett, K. Catlett, D. Levitt, G. Occhiogrosso, J. Tauxe, P. Meeks, M. Higgs, and P. Black, 2017. Realistic Geochemical Parameter Uncertainty for Performance Assessment Modeling—17066, proceedings of the Waste Management Symposia 2017, March 5–9, Phoenix AZ, 2017
Pastick, N.J., P. Duffy, H. Genet, T.S. Rupp, B.K. Wylie, K. Johnson, M.T. Jorgenson, N.B. Bliss, A.D. McGuire, E.E. Jafarov, and J.F. Knight, 2017. Historical and Projected Trends in Landscape Drivers Affecting Carbon Dynamics in Alaska, Ecological Applications 27 (5) 1383–1402 doi: 10.1002/eap.1538
Foster, L.M., and S.N. Roberts, 2016. “Citizens of a Watershed”: The Colorado River Compact and the Exigencies of Drought, Arcadia Spring 2016 (No. 1)
Foster, L.M., L.A. Bearup, N.P. Molotch, P.D. Brooks, and R.M. Maxwell, 2016. Energy Budget Increases Reduce Mean Streamflow More than Snow-Rain Transitions: Using Integrated Modeling to Isolate Climate Change Impacts on Rocky Mountain Hydrology, Environmental Research Letters 11 (4) 1–10 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/044015
Birdsell, D.T., H. Rajaram, D. Dempsey, and H.S. Viswanathan, 2015. Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Migration in the Subsurface: A Review and Expanded Modeling Results, Water Resources Research 51 (9) 7159–7188 doi: 10.1002/2015WR017810
Birdsell, D.T., H. Rajaram, and G. Lackey, 2015. Imbibition of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids into Partially Saturated Shale, Water Resources Research 51 (9) 6787–6796 doi: 10.1002/2015WR017621
Jordan, A.B., P.H. Stauffer, E.E. Knight, E. Rougier, and D.N. Anderson, 2015. Radionuclide Gas Transport through Nuclear Explosion-Generated Fracture Networks, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 1–10 doi: 10.1038/srep18383
Jordan, A.B., H. Boukhalfa, F.A. Caporuscio, B.A. Robinson, and P.H. Stauffer, 2015. Hydrous Mineral Dehydration Around Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt Formations, Environmental Science & Technology 49 (11) 6783–6790 doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01002
Hu, F.S., P.E. Higuera, J.E. Walsh, W.L. Chapman, P.A. Duffy, L.B. Brubaker, and M.L. Chipman, 2010. Tundra Burning in Alaska: Linkages to Climatic Change and Sea-Ice Retreat, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G04002) 1–8 doi: 10.1029/2009JG001270
Duffy, P.A., J. Epting, J.M. Graham, T.S. Rupp, and A.D. McGuire, 2007. Analysis of Alaskan Burn Severity Patterns Using Remotely Sensed Data, International Journal of Wildland Fire 16 (3) 277–284 doi: 10.1071/WF06034
Duffy, P.A., J.E. Walsh, J.M. Graham, D.H. Mann, and T.S. Rupp, 2005. Impacts of Large-Scale Atmospheric-Ocean Variability on Alaskan Fire Season Severity, Ecological Applications 15 (4) 1317–1330