Executive Leadership
Kelly Black is President and CEO of Neptune. She is a statistician with more than thirty years of experience applying quantitative tools to problem solving. Her career has included stints in questionnaire development, actuarial applications, environmental statistics, quality assurance/ quality control, and oodles of cat herding. She serves as the Chair of ISO TC 69 to broaden the use of statistics worldwide. In her free time, she likes to travel, play golf and enjoy the outdoors.
Paul Black is one of the four people who founded Neptune in 1992. He has been the CEO of Neptune and is now the Chief Business Development Officer. He has developed work with federal and state agencies and commercial clients with a focus on environmental issues and merging the needs of risk assessment, modeling and sustainable decision making. He has a strong academic background in statistics and decision analysis, and more than 30 years of experience working on complex multi-disciplinary problems to improve the quality of environmental decision making. In his free time, he plays golf and travels the world with his wife and family.
Tom Armstrong is the Vice President of Science and Decision Support. He joined Neptune early in 2024 after garnering more than 30 years of experience as a geologist studying the evolution of the world’s iconic mountain belts and related priority ecosystems. He has served as a Senior Executive Science and Policy Advisor to political appointees from both parties, and, most recently, has worked as an internationally known consultant assessing global to local scale, multi-issue crises and their impacts on all aspects of society, the economy, and nature. In his much needed down time, Tom can be found fly fishing on one of many Mountain West rivers, hiking with his dog, Sammy, or spending time with his granddaughter, Avery.
Paul Duffy is an environmental statistician. He is a Vice-president and is the lead of the statistics practice area. He has over 25 years of professional experience and has specific expertise in ecological and process modeling under projections of future climate change. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 1998. In his free time, he likes to travel, enjoy hiking/skiing and walks with his dogs.
Melissa Griese is an accounting and human resources professional. Melissa manages the Accounting and Admin team. She has over 35 years of experience in corporate accounting and HR. Melissa has been a member of the Neptune team since 2020. In her free time, Melissa likes to visit family and friends, play competitive tennis and paddle board.
Tom Stockton is an environmental statistician who specializes in facilitating environmental decision-making by integrating environmental spatial and temporal statistical modeling, process modeling, and economics under a common decision analysis framework. Tom has over 25 years of experience and has specific expertise in Bayesian web-based decision analysis support tools targeted at facilitating sustainable land use decisions by integrating ecosystem, social, and economic services. Tom has been a member of the Neptune team since 1998. In his free time, he likes to run, bike, and snowboard.
Practice Area Leads
Doug Anderson is a statistician who specializes in environmental and biostatistical applications. Doug has over 10 years of experience and has specific expertise in sampling methods and survival analysis. Doug has been a member of the Neptune team since 2017. In his free time, likes golf and woodworking.
Catherine Armstead earned a M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Colorado School of Mines, and a B.S. in Chemical and Mineral Engineering with minors in Geology and Geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines. Ms. Armstead has more than 30 years of diversified program/project management, proposal development and environmental engineering experience. Catherine has been a member of the Neptune team since 2015. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her family, hike, ski, travel and visit museums.
Patricia Billig is an Environmental Toxicologist with 40 years of environmental consulting experience. She earned an M.A. in Wildlife Ecology and Toxicology from San Francisco State University, an MPH in Toxicology and Epidemiology from the University of California at Berkeley/School of Public Health, and a B.A. in Zoology from the University of California at Berkeley. Her areas of expertise are toxicology, ecological and human health risk assessment, environmental health, and multi-discipline project management. She has been with Neptune since 2015 and spends her free time in various outdoor pursuits.
Polona Carson is an analytical chemist with more than 30 years of versatile experience in managing analytical laboratories, quality systems and statistical analysis of laboratory data. She performs laboratory audits, and supports laboratories with experimental design, data analysis for reference materials characterization and uncertainty, and test method transfer. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2018. In her free time, Polona likes to spend time with her family and also enjoys skiing and hiking.
Katie Catlett is an environmental modeler with a background in soil chemistry and mathematics. Katie has extensive experience with probabilistic risk modeling to support risk-based decision making, especially for radioactive waste disposal using GoldSim software. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2000. In her free time, Katie likes to hike, camp, spend time in Yellowstone National Park, and sing in a capella and symphonic choirs.
Leslie Gains-Germain is a statistician with a focus on environmental statistics and data science. She has extensive experience building predictive models for environmental applications. Her specific expertise is in Bayesian hierarchical modeling and machine learning. She works on multidisciplinary teams to integrate physical or concept-based models into statistical modeling frameworks for prediction, uncertainty analysis and system understanding. She likes to spend her free time skiing, rock climbing, or working on her 100-year old adobe home.
Lisa Mathai is an applied anthropologist with over 25 years’ experience in working with stakeholders, and over 20 years’ community involvement experience on environmental restoration projects. She has specific expertise using a survey research approach enhanced with anthropological methodologies to identify stakeholder concerns and issues. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 1994. In her free time, she likes to be outdoors exploring and traveling to fun and favorite places.
Gregg Occhiogrosso is a quantitative hydrogeologist and environmental engineer with over a decade of consulting experience, specializing in contaminant fate and transport analysis. Gregg’s modeling expertise includes groundwater, unsaturated zone, and landfill cover performance modeling. He has experience working in a variety of state and federal regulatory environments including low-level radioactive waste disposal and nuclear power plant licensing. Gregg has been a member of the Neptune team since 2015.
Aimee Reynolds has more than 30 years of environmental and risk assessment experience and leads the risk assessment team at Neptune. She has managed human health and ecological risk assessments and projects performed under: Montana State Superfund and voluntary cleanup; CERCLA; RCRA; Brownfields; Defense State Memorandum of Agreement; WQA; Montana Environmental Protection Act; Montana Major Facility Siting Act; TSCA; NESHAPS; and Asbestos Control Act. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2021. In her free time, Aimee likes to hike, camp, backpack, ski, and quilt.
Skyler Swanson is a computer scientist who specializes in computer human interaction and data visualization. Skyler has over 20 years of experience developing and commercializing software applications and has specific expertise in developing web-based applications and visualizations for Structured Decision Making, Bayesian Networks, and Agent Based Modeling. Skyler has been a member of the Neptune team since 2014. In his free time, he likes to study martial arts and learn about the nature of existence.
Our Team
Doug Arritola is an accountant with additional expertise in IT support. Doug has many years of experience in management, accounting and technology. Doug has been a member of the Neptune team since 2022. In his free time he likes to play (volleyball, tennis, golf etc) and watch all things sports (Rockies, Avalanche etc.) and of course spending time with his family.
Maggie Bailey is a statistician with experience in spatial and environmental statistics. She has specific expertise in statistical downscaling methods and simulating spatial data. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In her free time, Maggie enjoys spending time with her family, biking, skiing, and taking on new crafting projects.
Aaron Bandler is a hydrogeologist with a background in classical geology and specialized experience in numerical and analytical modeling. Aaron is a certified GoldSim training provider, and has specifically focused on implementing traditional hydrological models into the GoldSim architecture. Aaron has been a member of the Neptune team since 2016. In his free time, he's either skiing, or at home roasting his own coffee and brewing his own beer.
Soutir Bandyopadhyay is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Colorado School of Mines, and he is currently working as the senior technical lead for Neptune during his sabbatical. His research focuses on statistical modeling of multivariate time-series and panel data, spatial statistics, machine learning, robust statistical inference, spatial extremes, and resampling methods. Soutir's work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy (DOE). He is an associate editor for several leading journals in theoretical and applied statistics and has been an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) since 2018. In 2020, he received the International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) Young Statistical Scientist Award. Outside of academia, Soutir is a first-degree black belt in Taekwondo and enjoys soccer, cricket, and spending time with his family.
Gabriela Bello is an accountant who specializes in Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) and Non-Profit accounting. Gabie has over five years of experience and has specific expertise in accounting, business administration and HR onboarding practices. Gabie has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In her free time, Gabie likes to paint, read, play board games and participate in outdoor activities (camping, skiing, kayaking, hiking, and sports).
Daniel Birdsell is a groundwater hydrologist and reservoir engineer with expertise in analytical and numerical modeling. His work has investigated: the impact of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water aquifers, injection-induced seismicity, and geothermal energy. Daniel joined the Neptune team in 2021. In his free time, he likes to ski, bike, and think about urban planning.
Trevor Black is Neptune’s Contracts Manager with additional expertise in IT support, quality control, and administrative support. Trevor has been a member of the Neptune team since 2017. In his free time he likes to play golf.
Emmie Boettcher is a statistician who specializes in biostatistics and data visualization. Emmie has been a member of the Neptune team since 2022. Emmie enjoys spending her free time near water, either fishing, boating, or wakeboarding with her friends and family.
Dylan Boyle is a hydrogeologist with a background in groundwater modeling and statistical analysis. He has over ten years of experience and has specific expertise in spatial analysis, cartography, database management, hydrogeologic characterization, and multi-media environmental sampling. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2019. In his free time, he likes to enjoy the outdoors by hiking and biking.
Hayley Brittingham is a statistician with a focus on environmental statistics, biology, and sampling theory. She has over 5 years of experience and has specific expertise in ecological research, statistical analysis and programming, including multivariate statistical methods for both continuous and discrete data. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2017. In her free time, she enjoys skiing and hiking.
David Brown is a statistician with a focus on sampling theory, survey design and analysis, and experimental design and analysis. He has specific expertise in analysis of experiments embedded in surveys. David has been a member of the Neptune team since 2022. In his free time, he likes to play the banjo, read, bike around town, and is a highly rated Scrabble player.
Jake is a business development and marketing specialist who works to optimize partnerships and implement marketing strategies. Jake has over 10 years of experience and has specific expertise in creating meaningful relationships with our clients while showcasing our brand through advertising initiatives and marketing campaigns. Jake has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Jake loves spending time with his daughter, exploring the wilderness, snowboarding, biking, hiking, and looking to create a new memory every weekend.
Danielle Buhr-Strachan is a statistician with a background in political sociology. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2022. In her free time, she enjoys collecting analog cameras, bouldering, gardening, and long litter-picking walks.
Charlie Carpenter is a statistician who specializes in Biostatistics and Public Health. Charlie has over six years of experience and has specific expertise in single-omic and multi-omics studies, specifically in unsupervised clustering. Charlie has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In his free time, Charlie likes to rock climb, ride his bike, train jiu jitsu, and play with his dogs.
John Carson is a statistician with over 30 years of experience in environmental statistics, especially related to site characterization and remediation. He specializes in developing environmental sampling designs for field projects and experimental designs for laboratory studies and analyzes and reports the resulting data. John has been a member of the Neptune team since 2018. In his free time, he likes to spend time with his family and also enjoys skiing and hiking.
Phil Conley is an environmental scientist with over 20 years of experience developing UFP-QAPP, defining Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for project-specific performance standards, determine appropriate sampling and analytical methods for the task, coordinating with laboratories during contract execution, and reviewing environmental data for meeting data quality objectives and regulatory compliance for high profile remedial sites. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2018. In his free time, likes to spend time with his kids and grandson.
Brendan Cook is a software engineer with experience in web and mobile application development. He also has a background in geology, having worked in environmental remediation and mining. Brendan has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Brendan is an avid mountain biker, and likes to ski, hike, and travel.
Kelly Crowell is a geospatial analyst with over 25 years of experience. He specializes in erosion modeling using multi- and hyper-spectral imagery and LiDAR data acquired from remote sensing platforms, and acquisition and analysis of terrestrial LiDAR data and reflectance spectra measured in the field and laboratory. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2016. In his free time, likes to go for an amble or read speculative fiction.
Jeff Cruise is an Environmental Engineer who specializes in site investigations and remediation. Jeff has over 15 years of experience and has specific expertise in Hawaii Department of Health rules and regulations for soil, groundwater, and soil vapor assessments. Jeff has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In his free time, Jeff likes to race sailboats.
Annette Devlin is a technical editor and document administrator who specializes in generating documents that are clear, consistent, and accurate. She has over 25 years of experience and has been a member of the Neptune team since 2014. In her free time, she likes to read, bike, and take dance classes.
Ally Dillane is a systems administrator with experience building, installing, configuring, and supporting user and server systems, including servers used for heavy computation and virtual hosting. She specializes in server operating system setup, repair and maintenance, end user administration, networking, security, web applications, database applications. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2017. In her free time, she likes to play board games and watch movies.
Sean Foorman is an aquatic scientist who specializes in marine ecology and sustainable aquaculture. Sean has extensive experience in the siting, design, permitting, construction, and operation of specialized coastal aquaculture facilities, as well as in the planning and execution of targeted environmental restoration and monitoring activities. Sean has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Sean likes to spend time with his beautiful wife and daughter, enjoying live music and traveling, hiking, camping, snowboarding, and golfing.
Lauren Foster is a hydrologist who specializes in modeling climate, surface, and subsurface processes at multiple scales with multiple codes. She has over 5 years of experience and has specific expertise in climate change impacts on hydrology. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2018. In her free time, she likes to spend time in the mountains, play music, play ultimate frisbee and hang out with her family and friends.
Isaac Gardberg is a software engineer with experience in full-stack development, database maintenance, and computer language science. Isaac has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024 and enjoys reading, hiking, and miniature modeling.
Annette Gatchett is an environmental scientist with specific expertise in biology and chemistry. She has over 30 years of experience in a broad array of environmental areas, including innovative treatment technology for contaminated site cleanup, brownfields, human health assessments, and decision support tools. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2019. In her free time, likes to spend time with her family boating and traveling.
Micah Gilbreath is an engineer with over 15 years of experience in civil and environmental engineering. Micah’s civil engineering experience includes drainage design, utility design, storm water permitting, erosion control, road design, and large site layout. Her environmental experience includes groundwater and soil sampling, assisting with development and implementation of sampling analysis plans, work plans, health and safety plans, and corrective action studies. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2016. In her free time, Micah can be found keeping score at her boys’ basketball and baseball games or hiking with her husband, sons, and their dog in the mountains.
Julia Gray is a professional engineer who specializes in project management and project planning. Julia has over 25 years of experience and has specific expertise in managing environmental consulting and remediation, sustainability, military munitions, mechanical systems, and general construction projects for federal, state, and commercial clients. Julia has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In her free time, Julia likes to enjoy the outdoors, watch movies, and explore the world with her daughter.
Ron Hall is a statistician who specializes in working with complex data. He has extensive experience working with different types of analysis, data visualization, and managing databases. Ron has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In his free time, Ron likes to ski, camp, hike, play the banjo, and spend time in the garden.
Chris Holdsworth is an information systems engineer who specializes in cloud computing. Chris has experience creating cloud computing solutions, hardening information systems against cybersecurity threats, and providing end-user technology support. Chris has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In his free time, Chris likes traveling, reading, and wildlife watching.
Abby is a geochemist with experience in mining geochemistry, paleoclimate science, and numerical modeling. Abby has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In her free time, Abby likes to trail run, ski, and garden.
Bonnie Jones is a licensed Professional Geologist with a background in groundwater modeling and contaminant transport. Bonnie has over 6 years of experience as a hydrogeologist and has specific expertise in site characterization, in-situ remedial design, multimedia sampling, and 3-dimensional modeling of complex environmental data. Bonnie has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In her free time, Bonnie likes to read, play video games, and garden.
Riley is a statistician who specializes in environmental statistics and biostatistics. Riley has specific expertise in statistical analyses, semi-supervised learning methods, and data visualization. Riley has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In her free time, Riley likes to run, ski, paddle board, and read.
Dan Levitt is a soil scientist and modeling expert who currently manages the modeling team at Neptune. He has over 30 years of experience and manages staff and resources for multiple radioactive waste performance assessment projects, including current Performance Assessment projects for the Department of Energy. He is also well-versed in regulatory compliance and quality assurance. Dan has been a member of the Neptune team since 2013. In his free time, he likes to hike.
Jane Lin is a software engineer with experience in Mac, Windows, and web development in a range of fields from K–12 educational software to corporate websites and 3D computer graphics tools. She also brings her experience managing the development and sales of commercial hardware and software for scientific instruments and teaching at the university level. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2015. In her free time, she likes to explore new hiking trails and volunteer with the local concert association.
Travis Linscome-Hatfield is a statistician who specializes in statistical analysis in economic and natural resource monitoring fields. He has over 5 years of experience and has specific expertise in statistical and general data analysis programs, such as R, SQL, JAGS, and Python. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2015. In his free time, likes to race bike both real and eSport.
Kristen Lockhart is a data analyst with over 25 years of experience who specializes in data management and quality assurance. She utilizes her chemistry knowledge with her expertise in managing large sets of environmental data for clients. Kristen is also a project manager for the risk assessment scope of environmental remediation projects. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 1994. In her free time, she likes reading, camping, and traveling.
Sean McCandless is an environmental manager with over 25 years of diverse regulatory, operational, and occupational safety experience. He is a subject-matter expert in Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) licensing and management; as well as Mixed Waste (MW; i.e., radioactive as well as hazardous) permitting and management. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2017. In his free time, Sean likes to explore Utah with his family.
Greg McDermott is an ecological risk assessor who specializes in risk assessment technical support and data quality objective (DQO) facilitation. He has over 25 years of experience and has specific expertise in ecological problem formulation and conceptual site model development, with emphasis on protection of special status and threatened and endangered species. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 1998. In his free time, Greg likes to travel, race cars, and watch birds.
Alyssa McKenzie is a risk assessor with a unique background in epidemiology and public health. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In her free time, you'll find Alyssa bear viewing, photographing wildlife, running, cooking, and exploring new places.
Crista Miller is an analytical chemist who specializes in quality management. Crista has over 10 years of experience in chemistry and over 5 years in quality. She has specific expertise in auditing, data analysis, and Good Laboratory Practice. Crista has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In her free time, Crista likes to go fishing, scuba dive, and travel with family.
Michael Morphew is a hydrologist who specializes in groundwater storage modeling. He has specific expertise in geophysics, remote sensing, and machine learning methods. Michael has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In his free time, Michael likes to rock climb, sing in a community choir, and play tabletop and video games with his friends.
Kevin Perez is a civil and environmental engineer who specializes in hydrology and hydrogeology. Kevin has over 10 years of experience and has specific expertise in surface water and groundwater modeling. Kevin has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, he likes outdoor activities, tasting beer, and learning about science, history, and politics.
Ralph Perona is a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology who specializes in human health risk assessment. He has over 30 years of experience and provides technical services for evaluating and managing complex environmental problems requiring the integration of toxicology, radiation health physics, chemistry, statistics, exposure assessment, and modeling of chemical and radiological transport in the environment. Ralph has been a member of the Neptune team since 1996. In his free time, likes to practice Taiji, spend time with his family and be outside.
Scott Raulerson is a hydrologist who specializes in watershed and groundwater hydrology. He has experience investigating the impacts that agricultural and forestry operations can have on water resources, and is familiar with the development and implementation of both traditional and novel groundwater flow models. Scott has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In his free time you will likely find him doing something outside, tinkering on cars and other projects in the garage, or spending time with his family and friends.
Parker Rehmus is a hydrogeologist with a background in geomorphology, modeling, and geospatial analysis. Parker has experience with geohazard assessment, science communication, and environmental consulting. Parker has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Parker enjoys baking, music, adventuring, ultimate frisbee, and exploring the wonders of nature.
Renee Reichenbacher is a geologist who specializes in geophysics and 3D modeling. Renee has over 5 years of experience and has specific expertise in subsurface geologic and hydrogeologic modeling at multiple scales. Renee became a member of the Neptune team in 2023. In her free time, she likes to woodwork, hike, and take yoga classes.
Amy Rice is a hydrogeologist and numerical modeler with a focus on water quality and water movement through heterogeneous materials, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. She has over 15 years of experience and has specific expertise in water supply, organic vapor migration, and groundwater impacts of oil and gas development. Amy has been a member of the Neptune team since 2018. In her free time, Amy likes to hike, run, read sci-fi, and try to keep up with her three little boys.
Scott Rupp is an ecologist and ecosystem modeler with a focus on climate change science. His technical skills and 27 years of experience include forest and landscape ecology, climate model downscaling (statistical and dynamical methods), climate change (modeling impacts, vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning), ecosystem modeling including development and application of transient vegetation models, development and application of wildfire disturbance models, and development and application of biogeochemical models. In his free time, Scott is either adventuring in the wilds of Alaska or spending time with his family on their offgrid homestead.
Mickey Rush is a hydrologist with a background in physics and civil engineering who specializes in numerical modeling. Mickey has over 7 years of experience building, coupling, debugging, analyzing, and interpreting results from complex groundwater, surface water, snowpack, and surface energy balance models (e.g. PFLOTRAN, MODFLOW, PRMS, GSFLOW, Utah Energy Balance). Mickey has been a member of the Neptune team since 2022. In his free time, Mickey likes to ride bicycles, ski moguls, run on trails, and learn about natural building and sustainable farming techniques.
Seth Sanchez is an information systems administrator and software engineer with over 20 years of experience and skill sets including expertise in Windows user operating systems and server operating systems, Linux operating systems, Macintosh, end-user support, server-user administration, web server administration, and frontside web application programming using HTML,CSS, ExtJS and Javascript integrated with server-side applications using Apache HTTPD, PHP and MySQL, as well as native application development. Seth has been a member of the Neptune team since 2010. In his free time, he likes to…
Vanessa Schenavar is an engineer with 10+ years of experience, skilled in complex data interpretation and risk assessment. She has completed several periodic risk reviews of USFS dam facilities that include site condition assessments, hazard classifications, and analysis of potential failure modes and consequences of those failures. She has conducted human health and ecological risk assessments for abandoned mines in support of remedial investigation/feasibility studies. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2022. In her free time, Vanessa likes to travel, deep sea fish, swim, and enjoy the outdoors from the mountains to the beach.
Travis Smiley is a Statistician who specializes in mathematical optimization and distributional analysis. He has specific expertise in data-driven decision making in urban planning. Travis joined the Neptune team in 2025. In his free time, he enjoys running, disc golf, and playing board games.
Jacob Snell is a software engineer specializing in full-stack application development. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Jacob enjoys rock climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding, and hiking with his dog Riley.
Aaron Spielman is a statistician who specializes in environmental data science, image processing, and machine learning. He has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Aaron enjoys hiking, playing chess, and spending time with his friends and family.
Anna Springsteen is a Data Scientist who specializes in data management, data analysis, data visualization, and map production. Anna has over 14 years of experience and has specific expertise in both static and dynamic visualizations of sampling and modeling results. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2013. In her free time, likes to read and play board games and EDH.
Tina Trosclair is a statistician who specializes in biostatistics and public health. She has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. In her free time, she likes to cook, draw, run, and spend time outdoors with friends.
Mike Turzewski is a geologist with a background in hydrogeology, geomorphology, numerical modeling, and statistics. He has several years of experience simulating surface water and groundwater flow in a wide range of geologic environments. Mike has been a member of the Neptune team since 2023. He likes to collect, cut, and polish rocks and gems in his free time, and he also enjoys skating and ice hockey.
Mike Vogler is a geologist who specializes in environmental geology, soil science, and water resources. Mike has experience with geotechnical and environmental consulting and has specific expertise in water remediation. Mike has been a member of the Neptune team since 2024. In his free time, Mike likes to whitewater kayak, ski, mountain bike, camp, and take his dog for walks.