Hydrologic Modeling
Integrating hydrologic modeling with probabilistic uncertainty quantification to inform risk assessment and complex environmental problems
Neptune’s modeling team has a deep base of experience across many applications of fluid flow and contaminant transport simulation in groundwater, unsaturated zones, surface water, erosion, and coupled systems. When combined with our expertise in statistics, risk assessment, performance assessment, decision analysis, visualization, and quality assurance, the result is a powerful array of tools to apply to complex hydrologic problems and state-of-the art environmental decision making.
Probabilistic flow and transport of radionuclides and contaminants in unsaturated and saturated porous media
Pump-and-treat remediation system modeling/optimization
Calibration in high-dimensional parameter space
High performance computing using cloud services and in-house clusters
Uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis using state-of-the-art statistical techniques
Model benchmarking/comparisons and model evaluations
Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS) based design of CSMs and numerical meshes that honor depositional environment, layer connectivity, and anisotropy
Surface water/groundwater interaction
Neptune personnel have contributed more than 20 first-author papers to peer-reviewed hydrology journals and have an active presence at technical conferences and meetings in the performance assessment and hydrologic modeling arena. Other areas of expertise among Neptune staff include:
Coupled thermal, mechanical, and hydrologic modeling
Nuclear waste storage in bedded salt
Probability of leakage of CO2 from geologic carbon storage
Transport through multiple continua (dual porosity, dual permeability) in fractured rock
Parallelized watershed-scale models for the interface of climate, land surface (snow, vegetation, energy balance), and subsurface processes
Evapotranspiration and integrated surface water and groundwater modeling
Gas migration through variably saturated porous media, including analysis of impacts of oil and gas development on groundwater quality
Radionuclide-based detection of underground nuclear explosions
Evaluation of releases to surface and groundwater at commercial nuclear power plants
Injection of contaminated wastewater into deep saline aquifers and density-driven transport